Introduction It is common knowledge that grain-free food is a healthier alternative to other types of pet food. Grain free foods are higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates, which means that the animal will have less risk of developing diabetes or cancer. However, many people don't know if it's actually worth the price for their pets. We're going to explore why it's worth paying more for your animal by looking at some reasons as well as how much you'll save on vet bills later on because of this decision.
In addition, we'll also discuss what grain-free dog food entails and how it compares to traditional dog foods as well as cat food. By the end of this article you should have enough information about what grain free foods are best for your pets and why.
What Grain Free Foods Are Best For Your Pets?
It is generally accepted that grain-free food is better for your pets, however you may feel a little uneasy shelling out money on food that isn't actually scientifically supported. But what does the research say about this topic? We've looked at some recent studies to find out.
A March 2013 study by the University of California, Davis , showed that pets on grain-free diets were significantly less likely to develop cancer than those who ate traditional food. This was also true for those animals who had already been afflicted with cancer and put onto a grain free diet. The study's results were as follows:
· 18% less likely to get cancer
· 45% less likely to die from cancer
· 29% more energy to fight the disease
A second study in February 2012, by the University of California, Davis, also found that dogs on grain free diets were twice as energetic and 44 % less likely to get cancer than traditional dog food eaters.
It's also important to point out that grain free diets put less stress on the kidneys and multiple studies have found that animals on this type of diet had a decreased chance of developing renal disease .
I'm going to provide a few reasons why grain free food is best for your pets. It's not just the health benefits which you'll have an easier time convincing yourself of, but also the cost benefits in the long run. Grain free food is higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates, which means that the animal will have less risk of developing diabetes or cancer.
In addition, it puts less stress on your kidneys. Multiple studies have found that animals on this type of diet had a decreased chance of developing renal disease. They also have fewer incidences of allergies, especially to food ingredients. This means that you'll save on vet bills for things like shots and medicine because your animal is less likely to develop serious health conditions.
A lot of veterinarians are starting to recommend grain free foods as well because they're similar to the diets that pets ate in the wild before they became domesticated. A comparison of grain free pet food to regular dog foods shows that they're both lower in carbohydrates and higher in protein, which is what pets would eat in the wild .
As far as cost benefits go, you'll save more money on vet bills by buying grain free food because it will reduce the frequency of your animal getting sick . By reducing your pet's chance of developing cancer, diabetes , or renal disease you'll be spending less on treatment.
There are a number of reasons why it's worth paying more for your animals. The most important reason is that it can improve their health. Grain-free food is best for dogs and cats because it is lower in carbohydrates and higher in protein. This can help keep them healthy and fit. Grain-free food also doesn't contain any fillers, which can make your pet feel fuller longer and help them stay healthy and by doing this you should reduce the amount of time your pets spend at the vet thus reducing your vet bills!
It can save you lots of money
Using grain-free food is better for your pets so it's also better for you! You are likely aware that vets' bills have risen dramatically over the last few years
Grain free dog food typically means that the food does not contain wheat, corn, or soy. Sometimes the food contains gluten because it is often made from potatoes and other vegetables. Grain free cat food also tends to be healthier for cats because it doesn't contain the high amounts of carbohydrates found in regular cat foods. Grain free cat foods tend to contain higher levels of protein then regular cat foods.why grain-free diets put less stress on the kidneys and multiple studies have found that animals on this type of diet had a decreased chance of developing renal disease.
Grain free dog food is best for your dogs because it has less carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are found in grains (wheat, corn, etc.) and can cause obesity if your dog eats too much of them. Grain free cat food has fewer carbohydrates, which means that the cats will not be gaining weight at an unhealthy rate.
Grain-free diets have been found to put less stress on the kidneys. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that animals on a grain-free diet had a decreased chance of developing renal disease. Another study published in the Journal of Animal Science showed that grain-free diets caused less weight gain and were better for glucose metabolism than diets with grains. Grain-free diets are beneficial for both dogs and cats, and are a great way to keep your pet healthy and fit!
Grain-free diets are beneficial for both dogs and cats, and are a great way to keep your pet healthy. Grain free dog food is best for your dogs because it has less carbohydrates, which means that the pets will not be gaining weight at an unhealthy rate. Grain free cat foods also tend to contain higher levels of protein then regular cat foods. These grain-free options should be considered if you want to feed your pets healthier food without any grains or gluten!
Pets are important to families. When you have a pet that is part of your family, it can be tough when they need medical care or expensive food. That’s why we want the best for our pets and will often pay more money for them than many other things in life--even if it means going without some luxuries ourselves. The grain free diet provides healthier options both because there's less chance of obesity as well as better glucose metabolism which could help prevent diabetes down the road!
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